Un incendiu uriaș, izbucnit pe dealurile care domină orașul Los Angeles, a provocat, marţi, evacuări într-un cartier al metropolei. Incendiul a izbucnit în cartierul Pacific Palisades, care se învecinează cu munţii Santa Monica, în nordul oraşului, relatează AFP. Focul devastator a forţat evacuarea a 30.000 de persoane Cel puţin 1.182 de hectare din zona Pacific […]
The main conceptual idea is a significant emergency situation in Los Angeles, potentially involving a large-scale fire, causing the evacuation of 30,000 people. The mention of "Service unavailable" and "Air Force One blocked" suggests major disruptions and potential safety issues related to the event.
It's important to note that these are preliminary observations based on limited information.
The main conceptual idea is a significant emergency situation in Los Angeles, potentially involving a large-scale fire, causing the evacuation of 30,000 people. The mention of "Service unavailable" and "Air Force One blocked" suggests major disruptions and potential safety issues related to the event. It's important to note that these are preliminary observations based on limited information.